Many Guelph residents want to feel more comfortable and secure when cycling in the city. To realize the benefits of cycling, it’s essential to have a connected network that can accommodate riders of all ages and abilities.
In fall 2021, the City launched the Guelph Cycling Network Study—a project that engaged in the design and construction of up to 13 kilometres of protected cycling infrastructure in Guelph.
City staff secured provincial and federal funding through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program to build protected bike paths that connect large parts of the community and help all riders feel comfortable biking along key streets in Guelph.
One project objective included improving non-auto access to interregional and local transit services such as Guelph’s transit station and Metrolinx’s bus and train services.
The Guelph Cycling Network Study contributed toward the Strategic Plan’s key performance indicator to increase the non-auto mode share of daily trips by creating more comfortable and convenient cycling infrastructure for those who may be “interested but concerned” about cycling on today’s painted bike lanes.